WHATMAN GF 6 Glass Microfiber Filters with Binder

Good retention for very fine particles. This filter is used in water pollution applications, for removing protein from difficult-to-filter beers, for determination of chlorophyll and phytoplankton residues, for the determination of filterable substances and the residue on ignition (dry weight), for the analysis of aggressive media (e.g., acidic gases), for scintillation measurements and for determination of the elemental iron content in the presence of iron oxides.
• Typical properties

Nominal air flow (s/100 mL/in²) 40
Nominal air flow (s/100 mL/1.56 cm²) -
Nominal thickness (µm) 350
Nominal basis weight (g/m²) 80
Filtration speed Slow
Operating temperature (°C) < 500

• Ordering information – glass microfiber filter papers with binder - Filter Circles

Dimensions (mm) Catalog number Quantity/Pack
25 10370018 200
47 10370019 200
50 10370002 200
55 10370003 100
70 10370004 100
90 10370005 100
100 10370020 100
110 10370006 100
125 10370007 100
150 10370008 100
185 10370010 100
200 10370011 100
240 10370012 100

• Ordering information – glass microfiber filter papers with binder - Filter Sheets

Dimensions (mm) Catalog number Quantity/Pack
610 × 620 10370050 100